You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Lena's (first) mission trip to
Haiti turned into our
Adoption Adventure!
Can't wait to see what God has in store next.....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pics-Street Scenes-hard to convey the poverty and the conditions.....

This is the view from Three Angels nursery/second floor. And this is the 'well to do' area of town, not the poorest part. Note the contrast, between colorful and drab. See the palm trees and mountains and clouds?

Another street scene. Very pretty landscape-rolling hills, lush, green. I'm not exactly sure where this was, but it was out of town a bit on the day we went to the ocean.

A street scene. People everywhere. There is no work for them. See the truck? That's called a 'tap-tap' and it's a primary mode of transportation in Haiti. There is a tall cap/cover on the back of the pick up, and people sit back there. It's sort of a Haitian bus. All of the 'tap-taps' are beautifully painted and most have some sort of Bible verse or reference to God. They are really very pretty with vibrant colors and awesome artwork.

See the people milling around everywhere? Some children were being bathed in the rain water puddles as we drove through this area. Again, notice the mountains and palm trees.

The trash, oh my, the trash. This is some sort of canal/water way, and it had more trash in it than water. Being somewhat of a 'hippie' or at least not a litterbug (I think the current term is 'green') this breaks my heart so much to see. In the city, there were a few dumpsters, but the gov't doesn't really seem to keep up on it. And out of the city, there were no dumpsters, and so I am sure, no service whatsoever. There are a lot of trash fires in Haiti-we saw and smelled them burning. I can honestly say I've never seen or smelled anything quite like it.

This is another street scene, outside of the city. It had rained in the last day or so, thus the puddle. The term 'shack' is not quite right to describe the structure that the people are standing under/in front of. It's more like what our kids would consider a 'fort'. Really just some corrugated metal and sticks, tied together for shelter.

Haiti is an amazing country. Colorful, beautiful, poor, devastated, happy, full of praise and love, noisy, full of people, varied......The contrasts are hard to miss as are the blessings and conveniences we take for granted every day. How often have I grumbled or complained about not wanting to go to work? Or about someone taking too long at a four way stop sign? ugh!

Father, forgive us for our whining and totally lack of understanding of how the rest of the world lives. Help us to have more compassion and mercy toward your children, worldwide. Thank you!

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